Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

DICIEMBRE 2021 N° 3 Volumen 9

Reasons to discontinue exclusive breastfeeding within the first six months of life of the newborn

Section: Originales

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Navarro Ponce MJ, Olivares Villalobos PA, Martínez Alvarado M, Montoya García MV, Pérez Medina KJ, Guzmán Salas JC. Razones del abandono de lactancia materna exclusiva los primeros seis meses de vida del lactante. Matronas Hoy 2021; 9(3):6-10.


1 Mónica Jazmín Navarro Ponce, 1 Patricia Aurora Olivares Villalobos, 1 Michelle Martínez Alvarado, 1 Melissa Viridiana Montoya García, 1 Karla Jazmín Pérez Medina, 2 José Cruz Guzmán Salas


1 Estudiante de la Licenciatura de Enfermería. Centro de Ciencias de la Salud. Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (México).2 Profesor del Departamento de Enfermería. Centro de Ciencias de la Salud.  Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes (México)

Contact email: jaz-medina@live.com


Introduction: tbreastfeeding discontinuation before the six months of life has been acknowledged as a Public Health problem. Discontinuing said practice entails the risk of not obtaining the energy and nutrients required for an adequate sensorial and cognitive development, thus increasing the risk of infectious and chronic diseases.

Objective: to clarify the reasons for exclusive breastfeeding discontinuation within the first six months of life of the newborn in a First Level of Care institution from Aguascalientes (Mexico).

Methodology: a qualitative study, consisting of eight semistructured interviews with women from a First Level of Care institution in Aguascalientes. Data were analysed according to the proposed well-grounded theory until saturation of categories and supported by the Atlas.Ti program.

Results: three categories were identified: personal reasons of the mother, newborn-related reasons, and medical and institutional background; the main reasons standing out were lack of information by the healthcare staff, lack of time, and mastalgia.

Discussion: exclusive breastfeeding discontinuation will eventually have an impact on the health of mother and newborn; one way to prevent this is through optimal interventions based on knowledge of the reasons leading to said discontinuation.

Conclusion: results showed that the main reason for breastfeeding discontinuation was lack of information by the immediate and subsequent healthcare staff before and after delivery, as well as mastalgia and lack of time reported by the mother.


breastfeeding; discontinuation; reasons

Versión en Español


Razones del abandono de lactancia materna exclusiva los primeros seis meses de vida del lactante

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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