Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

SEPTIEMBRE 2022 N° 2 Volumen 10

Genetic counselling in preconception and prenatal monitoring: an initiative for the evolution of midwife competencies

Section: Originales

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Núñez-Segovia NO, González Parga FV, León-Figueroa SP, Calderón-Canales F, Alliende-Rodríguez MA. Asesoramiento genético en el control preconcepcional y prenatal: una apuesta para el desarrollo en las competencias de matronas. Matronas Hoy 2022; 10(2):47-55.


1 Nicolás Orlando Núñez- Segovia, 1 Francisca Vaitiare González Parga, 1 Sissel Paz León-Figueroa, 2 Felipe Calderón-Canales, 3 María Angélica Alliende- Rodríguez


1 Licenciada/o en Obstetricia y Matronería. Universidad San Sebastián. Santiago (Chile).2 Magíster en Salud Pública. Académico Carrera de Obstetricia y Matronería, Universidad San Sebastián. Santiago (Chile).3 M.Sc. en Genética, Profesora Asociada INTA U. de Chile. Académica Carrera Obstetricia y Matronería. Universidad San Sebastián. Santiago (Chile).

Contact email: nicolasnunezsegovia@gmail.com


Objective: to promote genetic counselling by midwives. The specific objectives are: to analyse the aspects of genetic counselling in preconception and prenatal counselling offered by midwives in the international setting, to analyse the perception by midwives regarding genetic counselling, and to understand the main contributions of genetic counselling to Public Health.

Methodology: a bibliographic review (2010-2020) in primary research sources on the matter of genetic counselling in preconception and prenatal monitoring with international participation of midwives.

Results: the bibliography analysed informs about aspects and contents of genetic counselling in preconception and prenatal monitoring, and about contributions by genetic counselling to the Public Health in different countries, highlighting the competence of midwives with adequate training in genetics to take the role of genetic counsellors within their preconception and prenatal care activities.

Conclusions: genetic counselling improves the expectations by patients with advanced maternal age for potential pregnancies, as well as the perception of risk when faced with potential or current pregnancies with abnormal risk factors or prenatal results. Communication is a key factor in order to offer adequate genetic counselling. It is necessary to improve the genetics training of midwives, considering their strategic role for this action.


prevention; preconception counselling; prenatal counselling; genetic counselling; Midwives; reproductive health; genetic tests; prenatal diagnosis

Versión en Español


Asesoramiento genético en el control preconcepcional y prenatal: una apuesta para el desarrollo en las competencias de matronas

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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