Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

DICIEMBRE 2022 N° 3 Volumen 10

The end of the model for delivery and birth assistance in the Netherlands? the reality of home birth in Holland

Section: Revisions

How to quote

Plata Quintanilla RM, Diez Ibarbia A, Fernández García E. ¿El fin del modelo de asistencia al parto y nacimiento en los Países Bajos?: la realidad del parto domiciliario en Holanda. Matronas Hoy 2022; 10(3):49-61.


1 Rosa Mª Plata Quintanilla, 1 Alba Diez Ibarbia, 2 Elena Fernández García


1 Matronas. Hospital "Marqués de Valdecilla". Cantabria (España).2 Matrona. C.S. "Vicente Soldevilla". Madrid (España).

Contact email: rplataq@gmail.com


The end of the model for delivery and birth assistance in the Netherlands? the reality of home birth in Holland 

Introduction: historically, the Dutch Ministry of Health has encouraged home births with the theory that everything that can be done outside hospital should be kept outside it. The delivery assistance system in the Netherlands is completely orientated to nonmedicalization.

The Dutch statistics for assisted home births have experienced a major reduction, but they are still different from the rest of Europe, where not even Scandinavian countries exceed 2% of all assisted home births. 

There are many factors associated with this reversal in the proportion of assisted home births in the Netherlands, but one stands out and is considered determining: the need for pain relief by Dutch women. 

Objectives: to analyse the circumstances such as the offer of medication relief to women during delivery, particularly epidural analgesia, which are a factor of change for the model of birth assistance in Holland. To provide objective data about the reality of the current assistance for delivery and birth care in Holland. 

Method: a review of literature and Dutch health records and audit reports. 

Conclusions: there is an increasing need, expressed by the demands of Dutch women, that has prompted the offer of epidural analgesia in the majority of hospitals in the Netherlands. 

There is an increase in Dutch women in labour who decide to give birth at hospital, looking for pain relief by medical means among other factors, instead of following the tradition of home births.


home birth; pain; Epidural analgesia; culture; mid-wives; Holland (The Netherlands)

Versión en Español


¿El fin del modelo de asistencia al parto y nacimiento en los Países Bajos?: la realidad del parto domiciliario en Holanda

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