Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

DICIEMBRE 2022 N° 3 Volumen 10

Impact of cervical cancer on pregnancy

Section: Revisions

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Moreno Vera M, Pozo Cano MD, Martínez García E, Pérez Morente MA. Impacto de cáncer de cérvix en el embarazo. Matronas Hoy 2022; 10(3):39-48.


1 María Moreno Vera, 2 Mª Dolores Pozo Cano, 3 Encarnación Martínez García, 4 Mª Ángeles Pérez Morente


1 Enfermera. Hospital de Alta Resolución de Estepona. Málaga (España). 2 Matrona. Doctora. Profesora del Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada. España. 3 Matrona. Doctora. Profesora del Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Granada. Hospital de Guadix (Agencia Pública Hospital de Poniente). Granada (España). 4 Enfermera. Doctora. Profesora del Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Jaén. España. 


Introduction: the incidence of cervical cancer on the pregnancy period is an unusual event. 

Objectives: to understand the impact of cervical cancer on pregnancy, as well as its treatment options. To identify the impact of these treatments on female fertility. To acknowledge the role played by specialized nurses (midwives) at this stage.

Methodology: a review of the literature from the past five years; five databases and two search equations were used: “pregnancy” [AND] “cancer” [AND] “nurse” and “cervical cancer” [AND] “pregnancy” respectively. After applying inclusion criteria and conducting an evaluation, 16 articles were selected. 

Results and discussion: treatment options vary depending on the pregnancy trimester. During  the first one, it is recommended not to use chemotherapy in order to prevent affecting the fetus. In the second trimester, radical trachelectomy alongside chemotherapy until fetal lung maturation. From week 14 until week 35 of pregnancy, neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT). Treatments such as conization, simple trachelectomy, minimally invasive radical trachelectomy and neoadjuvant chemotherapy are recommended for women who wish to preserve their fertility. The importance of nurses is acknowledged, even more if specialized like midwives, as source of information and prevention for this neoplasia, by conducting diagnostic tests and offering support to the pregnant woman. 

Conclusions: this neoplasia diagnosed during pregnancy presents a series of complications that range from prematurity to miscarriage.

In order to select treatment, the tumour characteristics must be taken into account, as well as the pregnancy stage and the wish to preserve fertility. Radical hysterectomy and radical trachelectomy alongside neoadjuvant chemotherapy are treatments with good fetomaternal prognosis.  

Abdominal trachelectomy and neoadjuvant chemotherapy represent the treatment with best results in terms of female fertility. 

The role of the nurses, and even more if specialized like midwives, consists in providing support and information to women about prevention and care for this health issue. 


cervical cancer; pregnancy; midwife

Versión en Español


Impacto de cáncer de cérvix en el embarazo

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