Revista Matronas

Revista Matronas

ABRIL 2023 N° 1 Volumen 11

The key role of Primary Care midwives and doctors facing the foreseeable sexual pandemic: sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Section: Revisions


1 Ana Fernández García, 2 Elena Fernández García, 3 Antonio Herrera Gómez


1 Médico Especialista en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria. Centro de Salud (C.S.) La Victoria. Valladolid (España)2 Matrona. C.S. Vicente Soldevilla. Madrid (España)3 Matrona. C.S. Puerto de la Torre. Málaga-Guadalhorce, Málaga (España).

Contact email: anafzgc@gmail.com


Introduction: sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) represent a severe health problem at global level, which require interventions from Primary Care in order to stop their increasing growth.
Objective: the objective is to conduct a systematic review of the current recommendations at international and national level, and of the interventions conducted by Primary Care midwives and doctors, for an adequate prevention, detection and treatment of STDs at the first level of care.
Methodology: a traditional systematic review of the literature available, in order to analyse the most recent scientific recommendations and their application in Spain according to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the recently published guidelines by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
Conclusions: the use of the condom and health education, routine check-ups and vaccination are the best measures to stop STDs. Social education is key in order to face STDs, and the best professionals accredited for Primary and Secondary Prevention can be found in Primary Care. There is a need for health information systems which are homogeneous and dynamic regarding sexually transmitted infections. The leadership in the community and the civil population regarding STDs should be increased, with innovative approaches for their prevention, implementation of services targeted to the sexual partners of persons with STDs, and treatment of their complications and after-effects, with the aim of improving their quality of life. An adequate management of human resources in the National Health System (NHS), which involves assigning the most qualified staff (Family and Community Medicine doctors and midwives) to the fight against STDs, in sufficient number as to offer complete coverage at this level; in consequence, to cover the need for training more specialists in these areas, and an offer for Continuous Training for their constant updating. There must be real funding of programs to fight against STDs and audits.


STDs / STIs (sexually transmitted diseases / infections); prevention; early diagnosis; prophylaxis; health education; midwife; doctor; Primary Care

Versión en Español


Papel clave de matronas y médicos en Atención Primaria frente a la previsible pandemia sexual: enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS)

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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