Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MARZO 2008 N° 2 Volumen 11

Influence of the level of interprofessional collaboration regarding pain management of oncology-hematology patients

Section: Cover story

How to quote

San Martín Rodríguez L, D`Amour D, Leduc N. Influencia del nivel de colaboración interprofesional sobre la gestión del dolor de pacientes onco-hematológicos. Metas de Enferm mar 2008; 11(2): 27-32


Leticia San Martín Rodríguez1, Danielle D`Amour2, Nicole Leduc


Profesora asociada de la Clínica Universitaria de Navarra. Responsable de proyectos de la EUE de la Universidad de Navarra.1, Profesora de la Facultad de Ciencias Enfermeras. Universidad de Montreal.2, Profesora del Departamento de Administración de la Salud. Universidad de Montreal.

Contact address

Iñigo Arista, 3-2º. 31007 Pamplona

Contact email: lsmartin@unav.es


Objective: to test the hypothesis that appropriateness of pain management in patients hospitalised in oncology-haematology units is associated with the level of collaboration presented by the physicians and nurses looking after them.
Material and method: cross-sectional descriptive study which included 34 healthcare professionals (doctors, resident doctors and nurses) belonging to oncology-hematology team from a tertiary university hospital and 95 patients treated by these professionals. A questionnaire measuring the level of interprofessional collaboration and an index evaluating the appropriateness of the patient’s pain management were used. Multivariate logistic regression analysis with step-forward modelling was used for statistical analysis of the data, according to the verisimilitude ratio.
Results: patients treated by the teams that collaborate most, had a 2,9 greater probability of their pain being well managed than patients whose teams collaborated less. No other studied variable was independently associated with the “appropriateness” of pain management”.
Conclusions: the results suggest that the level of interprofessional collaboration adopted by the healthcare professionals has an impact on the appropriateness of pain management of patients admitted to oncology and haematology hospitalisation units. The coordination and shared decision-making of teams that work in a multidisciplinary manner is probably the cause for the differences found.

Versión en Español


Influencia del nivel de colaboración interprofesional sobre la gestión del dolor de pacientes onco-hematológicos