Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2008 N° 5 Volumen 11

Perisurgical Nursing care plan for patients who have undergone liver transplantation

Section: Method

How to quote

Celma Vicente M, Ruiz Ferrer C, Martín Cebrián C, Coll del Rey E, Carretero López C, González Carrión P. Plan de cuidados periquirúrgicos para el paciente trasplantado hepático. Metas de Enferm jun 2008; 11(5): 69-75


Matilde Celma Vicente1, Carmen Ruiz Ferrer2, Carmen Martín Cebrián2, Eugenio Coll del Rey2, Carmen Carretero López3, Pilar G


Profesora de la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería Virgen de las Nieves, Granada.1, Enfermera/o del Quirófano de Trasplante

Contact address

C/ Tercio, 23. 18014 Granada

Contact email: matilde.celma.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es


The liver transplantation (LT) programme was started in our hospital in 2002. The complexity and specificity of LT surgery led us to present the need to draw a standardised perisurgical nursing care plan that compiled all the tasks or actions undertaken by professional nursing personnel. To this end, a quality improvement process was undertaken which consisted of two stages: a first stage that explored the perioperative activities undertaken by nurses in patients with a liver transplant and that involved the elaboration of a protocol which as used as a pilot for validation purposes; and a second stage where the final nursing care plan was adapted to meet the results of the pilot phase conducted in the first stage.


nursing care plan; protocol; guide; surgical; collaboration problems; Nursing diagnosis; NANDA; NIC; NOC; liver transplant

Versión en Español


Plan de cuidados periquirúrgicos apra el paciente trasplantado hepático