Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2008 N° 6 Volumen 11

Applicability of nursing models and theories in the reality of healthcare: professional perspective. First phase results

Section: History and Fundamentals of Nursing

How to quote

Santos Ruiz S, López Parra M, Varez Peláez S, Abril Sabater D. Aplicabilidad de modelos y teorías de Enfermería en la realidad asistencial: perspectiva profesional. Metas de Enferm jul/ago 2008; 11(6): 50-57


1Susana Santos Ruiz, 2María López Parra, 2Susana Varez Peláez, 2Dolores Abril Sabater


1Diplomada en Enfermería. Máster Oficial en Ciencias de la Enfermería. Unidad Neumología/Cirugía Vascular. Corporación Sanitaria del Parc Taulí.2Enfermeras. Unidad de Hemodiálisis. Corporación Sanitaria del Parc Taulí, Universidada Autónoma de Barcelona.

Contact address

Unidad de Cirugía Vascular/Neumología. Parc Taulí, s/n. 08208 Sabadell (Barcelona)

Contact email: ssantos@tauli.cat


Objective: to learn about the Parc Taulí Healthcare Corporation’s (CSPT in Catalan) nursing professionals’ perspective on nursing conceptual models and theories prior to the implementation of a new nursing work methodology based on care plans.
Material and methods: cross-sectional, descriptive design using a self-elaborated, anonymous questionnaire that was completed by all nurses in the six CSPT centres in april of 2006. Knowledge on nursing models and theories was measured using the following variables: identification with the studied nursing models, their use, the proposal of a model for daily work and the identification with nursing metaparadigm concepts. Sociodemographic, training and work experience variables were also studied using registry types, complementary information search and methodology.
Results: 204 professionals (37,6% response); 90,6% were women. Mean age was 36,75 years (SD:9,23) with 14,07 mean years of work experience (SD:9,3). 85,8% had a graduate degree. 74% received the Henderson model training and 23,5% had additional model-related training. 68.3% claimed not to use theories in their practice. 72,6% approved of institutionally implementing a model. Proposed method: 43,6% did not answer the question and 35,3% reflected the Henderson model. Regarding the nursing metaparadigm concepts, 79,4% chose the Erickson-based health concept, 52,9% and 54,4% chose Roy’s environment and person concepts respectively and 75% chose Henderson’s Nursing concept.
Conclusions: there is variability in theoretical positioning, confusion between nursing methodology and theory, need for training and registries that facilitate healthcare delivery under a nursing model. We can state that Nursing, in our context, is still in a preparadigmatic phase with a budding theoretical-scientific consolidation and there is no dominant paradigm that elucidates the thought and practice of the majority of professionals.


nursing fundamentals; Nursing theory; nursing models; Nursing methodology; metaparadigm; person; environmenthealth

Versión en Español


Aplicabilidad de modelos y teorías de Enfermería en la realidad sistencial: perspectiva profesional Resultados primera fase