Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MARZO 1999 N° 13 Volumen 2

Nursing care service as Virginia Henderson conceptual model. Implementation, results and costs

Section: Cover story


1María Antonia Campo Osaba, 1María Rosa Oriach Alonso, 2Anna Viladot Aguayo, 2A. Espinalt, 3C. Fernández


1Diplomadas en Enfermería. Institut Català de la Salut.2Diplomadas en Enfermería. Consorcio Sanitario de Terrassa.3Diplomada en Enfermería. Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona.

Contact address

Institut Català d´Atenció PrimàriaCentre i Lleida. Unitat d´Investigació. Torrebonica, s. n. 08227 Barcelona.

Contact email: acampo@sapcll.scs.es


Research project: Nursing services in Primary Health Care in Catalonia based on the conceptual model of V. Henderson and NANDA diagnosis taxonomy.

Objectives: 1- To develop strategies for the implementation of the nursing care service; 2- To assess the outcomes and the cost of thenurse care; 3- To know the opinion of the nurses, other staff and patients about the nursing care service.

Methodology: A five years multicentric prospective observational study (1997-2001) in which both, qualitative and quantitative methodology is used. This study is composed of eleven subprojects,ten of them corresponding to Primary Health Care Centres from the Institut Català de la Salut and one to the Consorci Sanitari de Terrassa.

Results obtained up to now: Many different tools have been created in order to computerise the nurse care (instruction manual,clinical guides, document formats to register the data obtained and the computer program ISIS (Access Database) and 100 nurses have been trained.


nursing care; Primary Health Care; Henderson; NANDA; implementation; outcomescost

Versión en Español


Servicio de cuidados enfermeros según modelo conceptual de Virginia Henderson. Implantación, resultados y costes