Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 1999 N° 17 Volumen 2

Health advice and compliance with them in hypertensive patients

Section: Originals


1Mª Jesús Abarca López, 2Ana R. Arribas Gutiérrez, 3Javier Carrasco Rodríguez, 4Francisco López de Castro, 5Aurora Millán Olmo, 6Eva Sáez Torralba


1Responsable de Enfermería del EAP de Sillería, Toledo.2Responsable de Enfermería del EAP de Villaluenga, Toledo.3Director de Enfermería de Atención Primaria del Área de Toledo.4Coordinador de la Unidad Docente de Medicina de Familia,Toledo.5Responsable de Enfermería del EAP de la Puebla de Montalbán, Toledo.6Responsable de Enfermería de EAP de Fuensalida, Toledo.

Contact address

Gerencia de Atención Primaria - c/ Barcelona, 2 . 45005 Toledo.

Contact email: mmonterof@meditex.es


Objective. To know the extent of sanitary advice given to hypertensive patients and the extent of its fulfilment.

Desing. A transversal descriptive design, based on a self-completed survey.

Location. Primary Attention, Toledo.

Patients. 391 known hypertensive patients, chosen by random polyphased sample among those monitored in the sanitary area teams.

Intervention. A survey with the patient over the receipt of sanitary advice (tobacco, alcohol, exercise, low-salt diet and correct taking ofmedicine) and self-evaluation of its fulfilment. A subjective evaluation of the carrying out of this by the patient was requested from the associated nurse.

Measurement and main results. The advice about saline restriction in the diet, the correct taking of medication and doing exercise has been given to a higher percentage of patients (96.7%, 90.5% and 83.1% respectively) than anti-alcohol (56.5%) and anti-smoling (52.9%)advice. With regard to carrying it out themselves, 88.7% do notsmoke; 77.9% do not drink ; 87.4% say they take their medication correctly; 47.4% say they fulfil a low-salt diet, and 45.2% say they do the recommended exercise. A parallel is observed between the nurse evaluation and that of the patient. No association is found between the carrying out the self-evaluation, and having received advice or not.

Conclution. The extent of sanitary advice given to hypertensive patients is considered insufficient. Although the level of fulfilment is similar to that observed in other studies, it is recommended that the methodology of giving advice is improved in order to make it more effective.


arterial hypertension (high blood-pressure); sanitary advicetherapeutic fulfilment

Versión en Español


Consejos sanitarios y cumplimiento de los mismos en pacientes hipertensos