Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2001 N° 36 Volumen 4

Knowing the community: a need from the pre-grade nursing training

Section: Teaching

How to quote

Rodríguez MA. Conocer a la comunidad: una necesidad desde la formación de pregrado de Enfermería. Metas de Enfermería jun 2001; 4(5): 40-44


Mª Aurora Rodríguez Borrego


Supervisora de la Unidad de Medicina Interna y Digestivo. Hospital Río Carrión de Palencia.

Contact address

C/ Labrador Nº 8 - 4ºC. 34004 Palencia.

Contact email: aurorarb@teleline.es


The present article describes an experiment performed in the Nursing School of Palencia, the object of which was to make the students aware of the need to know the individual and the community in order to provide high quality care. The intervention carried out was considered in two ways: seminars of debate to favour interaction with students and interactive classes to promote the interaction between students and different members of the community.

The repeated appearance of phrases such as "Little information" and "Need for an improvement in Communication" was observed in all collectives taking part in the experiment, which underline the need provide better information to future care providers.


nursing; teaching; community; informationnursing students

Versión en Español


Conocer a la comunidad: una necesidad desde la formación de pregrado de Enfermería