Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2001 N° 36 Volumen 4

Nursing interventions for users with non-complicated heart transplant. An approach from the perspective of V. Henderson

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Casado MJ et al. Intervenciones enfermeras para usuarios con transplante cardiaco no complicado. Una aproximación desde la perspectiva de V. Henderson. Metas de Enfermería jun 2001; 4(5): 24-32


1Mª José Casado Dones, 1Montserrat Solís Muñoz, 1Ana Barragán Tamayo, 2Aranzazu Iza Zabala, 1Teresa González Domínguez


1Enfermera. Unidad de Trasplantes del Hospital Universitario Clínica Puerta de Hierro de Madrid. 1Enfermera. Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Gregorio Marañón de Madrid.

Contact address

Hospital U. Clínica Puerta de Hierro, Unidad Coronaria y de Trasplantes. C/ San Martín de Porres, 4. 28035 Madrid.


Heart transplant is a therapeutic measure that is becoming used more often in current health systems. Because of the complexity of the pathologies, treatments and possible complications such transplants present, it has been investigated how this type of transplant affects the mode in which patients satisfy their basic needs.

During the pre-transplant and immediate post-operation period, the main health problems are derived from the prior pathology that led to the transplant, from other associated pathologies and from the surgical act itself. In this work, particular attention is paid to the problems most specifically derived from the transplant itself and its treatment, in other words, to the immediate post-operation period and the preparation for discharge from hospital.

In the heart-transplant intermediate care unit of the Hospital Puerta de Hierro, heart transplant patients are received after a brief period of post-surgery recovery. During their stay in our unit, they are helped, taught and encouraged in all activities aimed at regaining their independence. Some of these activities are specific to this health situation; others are those that are normal and recommendable for any person in any circumstance, but the patient might have succumbed to physical and emotional deterioration prior to the transplant.


basic human needs; non-complicated heart transplant; intermediate care unitpreparation for discharge

Versión en Español


Intervenciones enfermeras para usuarios con transplante cardiaco no complicado. Una aproximación desde la perspectiva de V. Henderson