Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2001 N° 39 Volumen 4

Educative intervention to tackle the ecological concept of health

Section: Teaching

How to quote

Vera ML. Intervención educativa para abordar la concepción ecológica de salud. Metas de Enfermería oct 2001; 4(8): 38-43


Manuel Vera Cortés


Profesor de Ecología Humana y Salud Comunitaria. Profesor de Enfermería Comunitaria. Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería "La Paz".

Contact address

EUE La Paz. Paseo de la Castellana, n261, 28046 Madrid.

Contact email: eenfermeria@hulp.insalud.es


To understand the current concept of health and to critically evaluate the pertinence of the existing definitions concerning health is not easy for the students in their first year of Nursing. These students are forced to study in detail such an abstract concept for the first time. However, an educational approach to this topic is essential, as along with treatment of other concepts, it will form the basis of the professional design of nursing care that the students will develop in the future. Therefore, it is desirable to provide access in their education to a concept of health that is not authoritative in any way, but rather a broad authentic concept formed from a realistic perspective of life, of people and of collectives. For such intentions, active and group methodologies should be followed that induce the student to reflect, integrate knowledge and experience, and grasp and critically analyse reality.

In view of the convictions presented above, the following experience is presented, gained during five consecutive academic courses with first-year students of Nursing, in the University Nursing School "La Paz" in Madrid.


ecological concept of health; methodological techniques; group workcommented reading

Versión en Español


Intervención educativa para abordar la concepción ecológica de salud