Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2002 N° 47 Volumen 5

Standarised nursing care plan for ambulatory patients operated on under spinal anaesthesia

Section: Hands on

How to quote

Calvo A, Criado MB, Otero S, Bernárdez P, Barrientos A. Plan de cuidados estandarizados para pacientes ambulatorios intervenidos con anestesia raquídea. Metas de Enfermería jul/ago 2002; 5(6): 13-17


Araceli Calvo Torres, Mª Belén Criado Guerrero, Susana Otero Méndez, Patricia Bernárdez Couto, Arturo Barrientos Cancelo


Diplomados de Enfermería. Enfermeros del Bloque Quirúrgico de la Fundación Pública Hospital Virxe da Xunqueira (FPHVX). Ce

Contact address

Polígono de Adormideras. Edificio Torremar de San Amaro, Portal 2, 4º dcha. 15002 A Coruña


Major Ambulatory Surgery has evolved a lot in the last few years, being important for this, the nursing care given to the patients in the Post-anesthetic Units, as the last nursing care they receive before discharge.
• Our aim was to make standardised care plans in the Post-anesthetic Unit to serve as guide in the care provided for these patients during their recovery and stay. With this plan, we intended to unify criteria, create proper nursing registries and improve the quality of care provided. We begin with the standard care plan for ambulatory patients operated under spinal anaesthesia, using for this the Diagnostic Taxonomy of the NANDA and the nursing care pattern of Virginia Henderson.
• Through this instrument, we expect to contribute to the development of this type of nursing dynamics, which allows the patients to go home with the strength, will and proper knowledge they need to continue their self-care at home.


Standard care plans; Nursing in the Post-anesthetic Unit; Spinal anaesthesia; Post-anesthetic nursing care

Versión en Español


Plan de cuidados estandarizados para pacientes ambulatorios intervenidos con anestesia raquídea