Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MARZO 2003 N° 53 Volumen 6

Quality of substitute therapy and nutritional status in elderly patients undergoing regular hemodyalisis

Section: Featured Articles

How to quote

Sorribas M et al. Calidad del tratamiento sustitutivo y estado nutricional del paciente anciano en hemodiálisis periódica. Metas de Enfermería mar 2003; 6(2): 56-59


1Mirian Sorribas Martí, 1Mª Pilar Adrián Lizama, 1Mª Dolores Antorán Moreno, 1Carmen J. de la Fuente Liedana, 1Susana Piazuelo Campos, 2Laura Pitarque Lacueva, 2Gemma Baquero Carbó, 3Luis Miguel Lou Arnal


1DUE Nefrología. Centro de hemodiálisis AMEX, Alcañíz (Teruel). 2Auxiliar Nefrología. Centro de hemodiálisis AMEX, Teruel. 3Nefrólogo. Centro de hemodiálisis AMEX, Teruel.

Contact address

Centro de Hemodiálisis AMEX. Avda. Maestrazgo, 2. 44600 Alcañíz, Teruel.


Introduction and objetives: Increase of the general population survival and the advance of haemodialysis techniques have prompted an increasing acceptance of elderly patients for substitutive treatment. Ours aim is to study the nutritional state of elderly patients in haemodialysis in order to analyse whether the extension of substitutive treatement in these patients is correct.

Material and method: 39 patients undergoing dialysis were included in a prospective, cross-sectional and analytical study that was subdivided into two study groups 64 % of the patients (25) were considered elderly people (over 65 years old). Characteristics of the substitutive treatment as well as the biochemical and nutritionals parameters were collected. Food intake profile was analysed by means of a diet questionnaire.

Results: No significant differences were foundt in the Body Mass Index (BMI) ratio or in the biochemical parameters. Age showed a negative correlation with the fatty compartment, with plasmatic creatinine and with the protein-caloric intake.

Conclusions: Good quality dialysis can be achieved in elderly patients. However, the nutritional status and adequate food intake are deficient in this group of patients. It is thus or paramount importance to approach these factors in order to improve the quality of dialysis.


haemodialysis; old age; bad nutritiondietetics inquest

Versión en Español


Calidad del tratamiento sustitutivo y estado nutricional del paciente anciano en hemodiálisis periódica