Domiciliary or home care: professionalism and proximity in patient care

Section: Health and quality of life

How to quote

García M. La atención domiciliaria: profesionalidad y cercanía en el cuidado del paciente. Metas de Enfermería may 2004; 7(4): 58-62


María de las Nieves García Fernández


Enfermera. Centro de Salud de Vitigudino, Salamanca.

Contact address

C/ Paseo del Socorro, s/n. 37210 Vitigudino, Salamanca


This article focuses on domiciliary patient care and was elaborated using the Virginia Henderson model. The patient subject of the care, after undergoing a detailed and structured assessment on the part of the nurse of the Margory and Gordon functional health patterns, presented the following diagnoses: stress syndrome caused by the return home, deterioration of physical mobility and deterioration of skin integrity. The nursing care plan to be applied included the family systematically. After two months, the diagnosis of deterioration of skin integrity has been resolved, as well as an improvement in the other two diagnoses mentioned.


nursing methodology; domiciliary care; field visit; stress syndrome caused by the return home; Deterioration of physical mobility; Deterioration of skin integrity; Community Nursing

Versión en Español


La atención domiciliaria: profesionalidad y cercanía en el cuidado del paciente