Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2004 N° 5 Volumen 7

Current state of resources in Nursing research within the framework of the National Health System

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Jones J et al. Situación actual de los recursos para la investigación en Enfermería en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. Metas de Enfermería jun 2004; 7(5): 28-32


1Cristina Jones Mallada, 2Raquel Hidalgo García, 3Carmen Fuentelsaz Gallego, 1Teresa Moreno Casbas, 3Eva Hernández Faba, *Colaboradores Investén-ISCII


1Enfermera. Investén-ISCIII.2Licenciada en Estadística. Investén-ISCIII. 3Enfermera. Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron.*Pilar Comet, Magdalena Díaz, Rosa Mª González, Mª Concepción Martín, Clara Vidal, Mª Isabel Orts, Anna Mª Pulpón, Eva Abad, Carmen Silvestre, Alejandra Cano, Blanca Egea.

Contact address

Unidad de coordinación y desarrollo de la investigación en Enfermería. Pabellón 6. C/ Sinesio Delgado,6. 28029 Madrid.

Contact email: crisj@isciii.es.


Objective: to assess the current state of nursing research in health care centres of the National Health System (NHS) and to assess the human, material and financial resources available for that purpose. Design: observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. Study subjects: directors of Nursing in primary care centres (PC) and Specialised Care (SC) in our country. Data collection: A survey was elaborated enquiring about the material, human and financial resources available in these centres for nursing research.

Results: 411 surveys were sent out, of which 130 were completed and returned (31,6%). Nine of the surveyed centres (7%) have nine nurses dedicated to research full time. 102 centres have a dedicated unit for research (80%).In the last three years, some research has taken place, managed by a nurse with external financing in 42 centres (33,6%) and in 15 centres (11,6%), the research was financed through internal sources.

Conclusion: the data collected shows that nurses spend little time on research, despite the fact that nursing directors regard the infrastructure in NHS centres as adequate for the development and promotion of nursing research.


nursing research; resources for investigational purposesNational Health System

Versión en Español


Situación actual de los recursos para la investigación en Enfermería en el Sistema Nacional de Salud