Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2004 N° 8 Volumen 7

Is there a magic remedy? Ginseng

Section: Medicinal herbs

How to quote

Serrano A. ¿Existe la panacea? El Ginseng. Metas de Enfermería oct 2004; 7(8): 50-52


Alfredo Serrano Ruiz


Diplomado en Enfermería.

Contact address

Servicio de Farmacología Clínica. Hospital Universitario Puerto de Hierro. C/San Martín de Porres, 4. 28035 Madrid

Contact email: aserrano.hpth@salud.madrid.org


Ginseng has been used by humans for over 2000 years. Since it has been ascribed to exert beneficial effects over a large number of diseases, it has often been considered a magic remedy. Ginseng has been considered an "adaptogenous" because of its supposed effects over stress and the maintenance of homeostasis. In spite of its innocuous nature rendered by popular belief, Ginseng is not free of side effects such as hypoglycaemia, an increasing risk of bleeding or pharmacological interactions with drugs such as warfarin, anti-hypertensive or oral anti-diabetic drugs.


Ginseng; pharmacology; alternative medicine; interactions

Versión en Español


¿Existe la panacea? El Ginseng