The first steps in search of knowledge

Section: Bibliographic search

How to quote

Bojo Canales C, Serrano Gallardo MP. Los primeros pasos en la búsqueda del conocimiento. Metas de Enferm may 2005; 8(4): 20-24


Cristina Bojo Canales1, Mª Pilar Serrano Gallardo2


Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud1, Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería Puerta de Hierro, U

Contact address

Biblioteca Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud. C/ Sinesio Delgado, 8. 28029 Madrid

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The resolution of any problem or information requirement that healthcare professionals might be faced with requires knowledge and how to operate scientific information sources. This article describes the basic stages of the process of bibliographic research providing at the same time a series of codes and directives of a general nature aimed at the construction and elaboration of efficient and effective search strategies. Likewise, some of the most popular and known information sources in the nursing field are discussed. It is also a start of a series of articles destined to show how to operate such information sources.


Scientific information; bibliographic research; search strategies; information recovery; information sources

Versión en Español


Los primeros pasos en la búsqueda del conocimiento