Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2005 N° 6 Volumen 8

Postcoital interception and the use of contraceptives in the young population

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Torres Penella C, Vilaplana Mora D, Sáez Cárdenas S, Pérez Calvo R, Martínez Orduña M. Intercepción postcoital y uso de anticonceptivos en la población joven. Metas de Enferm jul/agos 2005; 8(6): 27-32


1Carmen Torres Penella, 2Dolores Vilaplana Mora, 3Salvador Sáez Cárdenas, 4Rosa Perez Calvo, 5Miguela Martínez Orduña


1Licenciada en Enfermería. Departamento de Enfermería. Aula de Salud. Universidad de Lleida (UdL).2Diplomada en Enfermería. Servicio de Planificación Familiar de Lleida.3Diplomado en Enfermería. Licenciado en Pedagogía. Departamento de Enfermería. Aula de Salud UdL.4Psicóloga. Doctora en Psicopedagogía. Departamento de Pedagogía y Psicología. Aula de Salud UdL.5Diplomada en Enfermería. CAP Balafia-Pardinyes-Secà de Sant Pere de Lleida. Aula de Salud UdL.

Contact address

Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Lleida. Avda. Rovira Roure, 44. 25198 Lleida.

Contact email: Carme.Torres@infermeria.udl.es


Objective: To determine the relationship between postcoital interception (PCI) and the use of common contraceptives among young females that demand PCI at Family Planning Centre in Lleida.
Material and methods: A cross-sectional observational study was performed by using a structure survey by interviewing all females under the age of 20, treated between 1999 and 2002 in the centre, amounting to a total of 1.164 young women.
Results: 19,3% of the girls had sex without protection and 64,4% wanted to use a safe contraceptive method, but had had an accident with the condom.
65,3% knew previously about PCI but had never used it, followed by 27,1% that had already used the method before. The previous knowledge of the PCI did not show any relationship with the use of common contraceptives.
Conclusions: This study suggests that some reflection is needed regarding the finality of PCI as well as the need for a stronger sexual education among the young.


emergency contraception; hormone postcoital interception; health education; reproductive health; family planningadolescence

Versión en Español


Intercepción postcoital y uso de anticonceptivos en la población joven