Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MARZO 2010 N° 2 Volumen 13

Patient with adhesive capsulitis. Nursing intervention

Section: Hands on

How to quote

Bacáicoa Clemente A. Paciente con capsulitis adhesiva. Intervención enfermera. Metas de Enferm mar 2010; 13(2): 8-12


Ana Bacáicoa Clemente


Enfermera del Servicio de Rehabilitación. Ambulatorio Conde Olivito, Servicio Navarro de Salud.


Adhesive capsulitis is a clinical picture characterized by pain and reduced range of motion of the shoulder in all directions. It presents most frequently during the sixth decade of life, and affects more women than men. 
The cause of this condition is not well understood, but its symptoms are very disabling in normal daily life and its recovery requires time. 
Its treatment consists of drugs and cryotherapy to manage pain, as well as the performance of a series of exercises, mainly stretching, in order to recover range of motion.
We have seen that in this field the nursing professional has an important role in teaching the patient these exercises so he/she can regularly carry them out at home and in explaining postural hygiene rules that help improve symptoms and prevent new injuries.


Adhesive capsulitis; frozen shoulder; home-based exercises; medical-surgical; postural hygiene; procedure; rehabilitation; techniquetraumatology

Versión en Español


Paciente con capsulitis adhesiva. Intervención enfermera