Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2011 N° 6 Volumen 14

Food allergy in a school

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Díaz Sesé E. Alergia alimentaria en el centro educativo. Metas de Enferm jul/ago 2011; 14(6): 24-30


Eva Díaz Sesé


Enfermera. Especialista en Salud Escolar. Colegio Joyfe (Madrid).

Contact address

C/ Angel Larra, 15, esc. 2-4ºA. 28027 Madrid.

Contact email: eva_diazsese@yahoo.es


It has been shown that food allergy as a motive for consultation has doubled in the last years. Researchers coincide in the existence of a complex interaction between genes and environmental factors (different geographic areas entail different dietary habits) that would regulate the development and manifestation of the allergic symptoms.
In Spain, the foods that most often cause allergy in children are milk, eggs and fish while in adults offending foods are fruits and nuts, followed by fish and seafood.
At schools there are increasing numbers of students who suffer from some sort of food allergy. Because of that, the role of the school nurse is more and more necessary.
Avoiding the allergic food is the only prevention method available at present and in the case of contact, inhalation and/or ingestion of such product, it is necessary to have a clinical protocol that establishes the decisions to be taken based on presenting symptoms.
In the specific case of school canteens, it is of outmost importance that all those that come into contact with the allergic student (caregivers, teachers, classmates) are familiar with the management of food allergies.
This paper provides the information relating to allergic reactions to
foods, their manifestations, the most frequently involved foods (offending foods) and describes the steps to take according to protocol in case ingestion of an allergenic food.


adverse reaction; allergic reaction; allergy; foods; intolerance; nutritionschool health

Versión en Español


Alergia alimentaria en el centro educativo