Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

FEBRERO 2012 N° 1 Volumen 15

Umbilical cord clamping strategies

Section: Featured Articles

How to quote

Moreno Rutia E et ál. Estrategias de clampaje del cordón umbilical. Metas de Enferm feb 2012; 15(1): 70-75


1Esther Moreno Rutia, 2Ariana Muñoz San Miguel, 3Enrique Ramón Arbués


1Matrona en el HCU Lozano Blesa, Zaragoza. 2Matrona en el Hospital Miguel Servet, Zaragoza. 3Pr

Contact address

Enrique Ramón Arbués. C/ La Milagrosa, 3-4º C. 50009 Zaragoza.

Contact email: ramonarbues@hotmail.com


Objective: To determine the effects of early and late clamping of the umbilical cord in the newborn and mother.
Methodology: A bibliographic search of the literature was carried out using the following biomedical databases: Cochrane Library, Medline, Scirus, Science Direct. The search tags and critical reading of the literature found were the effects that both types of clamping have on the body of the mother and her newborn bodies. The qualitative screening of the studies retrieved was performed using the tools of critical reading CASPe.
Results: Despite the existence of different and almost opposite results in studies with similar design, the most current literature appears to favor late clamping of the cord. This option is supported by the findings of higher levels of hematocrit and hemoglobin at birth and higher levels of ferritin to the age of 6 months and better adaptation to life.
Conclusions: Currently available evidence supports late cord clamping­. In this sense, an effort is necessary to develop specific action protocols that guide professional performance.

Versión en Español


Estrategias de clampaje del cordón umbilical