Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2012 N° 5 Volumen 15

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: reflection on a ethic dilemma

Section: Ethics and Society

How to quote

Calero Romero MR, Jiménez Fernández JC, Salvador Gómez AA. Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica: reflexiones sobre un dilema ético. Metas de Enferm jun 2012; 15(5): 68-72


María del Rocío Calero Romero, Juan Carlos Jiménez Fernández, Antonio Ángel Salvador Gómez


Enfermera/o del Hospital Universitario de Traumatología Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla.

Contact address

Antonio Ángel Salvador Gómez C/ El Granado, 13-4º. 21007 Huelva.

Contact email: coloca2r@hotmail.com


In a pluralistic society like the one we live in, no one can claim absolute truth in conflict situations from the point of view of ethics, and health professionals must address these situations in a thoughtful, calm and respectful manner against the views of others. To do this, it is evident that any professional should know the basic principles of bioethics (autonomy­, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice) and take them into account and always apply them in the daily performance.
The aim of this paper is to show the debate carried out by professional nurses and reflections from the perspective of the basic principles of bioethics, supplementing this information with the personalized care plan that was adopted as a result of these reflections.


amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; bioethical principles; nursing careterminally ill patient

Versión en Español


Esclerosis lateral amiotrófica: reflexiones sobre un dilema ético