Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2012 N° 8 Volumen 15

Ethics in nursing care

Section: Ethics and Society

How to quote

Tordable Ramírez AM, Sanz Peces EM. La ética en los cuidados enfermeros. Metas de Enferm oct 2012; 15(8): 22-25


Ana Mª Tordable Ramírez, Eva Mª Sanz Peces


Enfermeras del Equipo de Soporte de Atención Domiciliaria (ESAD). Dirección Asistencial Norte, Madrid.

Contact address

Ana Mª Tordable Ramírez. C/ Marqués de la Valdavia, 101, P.1, 1º B. 28100 Alcobendas (Madrid)

Contact email: atordable.gapm05@salud.madrid.org


Caring for a patient with advanced cancer is a dynamic and changing process, which must meet both the needs of the patient and the caregiver and family. In the final stage of life, it is necessary to procure the place and the most appropriate way to achieve minimum patient suffering, taking into account the patient´s decision me (principle of autonomy), the capabilities and resources of the primary caregiver for the benefit of the patient (principle of nonmaleficence), and the management of social and health resources that are available (principle of justice). In the practice of care, the mission of bioethics is to increase the quality of our decisions through the manage­ment of patient values which must be taken into account. The objectives of this study are to reflect and analyze, based on a case study, the ethical issues that arise in people with advanced disease at the final stage of their existence, and to use a deliberative methodology to help make reasonable and prudent decisions.


Bioethics; oncological disease; palliative care; principle of autonomy; principle of justiceprinciple of nonmaleficence

Versión en Español


La ética en los cuidados enfermeros