Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2012 N° 8 Volumen 15

Analysis of end-of-Grade works for the Nursing degree

Section: Teaching

How to quote

Meneses Monroy A, Pacheco del Cerro E, Diz Gómez J, Blanco Rodríguez JM. Análisis de los trabajos fin de Grado de Enfermería. Metas de Enferm oct 2012; 15(8): 72-76


1Alfonso Meneses Monroy, 2Enrique Pacheco del Cerro, 3Jorge Diz Gómez, 4José María Blanco Rodríguez


1Doctor por la Universidad Complutense. Máster en Investigación en cuidados. Grado en Enfermería.2Decano de la Facultad de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología. Universidad Complutense. 3,4Departamento de Enfermería, Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y Podología, Universidad Complutense.

Contact address

Alfonso Meneses Monroy. Facultad de Medicina. Pabellón 2º, 3ª Planta. 28040 Madrid.

Contact email: ameneses@enf.ucm.es


Objective: to identify the most relevant aspects of end-of-grade works for the nursing degree for the course 2010/11 presented at the Nursing, Physiotherapy and Podiatry School of Complutense’s University (Madrid) for students completing the degree in Nursing.
Material and method: cross-sectional descriptive study of all nursing EOGs presented during the academic year 2010/11 (n = 182). Variables studied: number of papers presented by call; grades obtained by students, number of participant tutors per call; guardians, number of students tutored by tutor, number of tribunals per call: theme (Nursing diagnosis, clinical route or care plan). The data collection was performed at the end of each call through the tribunal reports which stated the title of the work, the tutor and qualification/score achieved.
Results: 182 students presented their works in the different calls. 50 professors participated as tutors. 73,6% of the EOGs were presented in the February call. As regards the qualifications/scores obtained in the calls, in the February call 60,4% of the students got a B (very good), in the june call 43,3% got a C (pass) and in the july call 54,6% got a C (pass). With regard to the themes chosen by the students, of note is the care plan chosen by 53,5% of the students.
Conclusions: the qualifications/scores obtained by the students were better in the february call than in the june and july calls. Most of the students presented a care plan as the end-of-grade work. Although the clinical route was a more unknown theme, it was selected by a higher percentage of students, close to that of the nursing diagnosis themes.


care plan; clinical route; competencies; Descriptive Study; End-of-Grade work; Nursing diagnosisresearch

Versión en Español


Análisis de los trabajos fin de Grado de Enfermería

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