Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2012 N° 9 Volumen 15

Basic health examination in a School’s Nurse Office

Section: Enfermería escolar

How to quote

García Dueñas P, Cuesta del Amo M, González García N, López Langa N. Examen de salud básico en un servicio de Enfermería Escolar. Metas de Enferm nov 2012; 15(9): 50-56


1Patricia García Dueñas, 2Marta Cuesta del Amo, 3Nuria González García. COORDINADORA: 4Natividad López Langa


1Enfermera del Colegio Público de Educación Especial (CPEE) “Miguel de Unamuno”, Móstoles (Madrid).2Enfermera CPEE Miguel de Unamuno, Móstoles.3Enfermera del CPEE Vicente Ferrer (S.S. de los Reyes).4Enfermera en el Ámbito Educativo en Madrid. Supervisora de Enfermería del Centro Público de Educación Especial María Soriano y Vicepresidenta de la Asociación Madrileña de Enfermería en Centros Educativos (AMECE).

Contact address

Patricia García Dueñas. C/ Baños de Valdearados, 9 D, 2 A. 28051 Madrid.

Contact email: patridugar@hotmail.com


The health examination is a basic tool in nursing practice, as it allows early detection of alterations in the normal development of children, taking into account the existence of a chronic disease and to promote healthy lifestyles. It is also the ideal time to detect cases of child abuse, along with other school professionals.
The purpose of this paper is to present the health examination as a nursing tool in the school setting and justify its importance based on the objectives pursued. For its implementation, the health examination will include the collection of data on physical and health habits and will help detect signs of child abuse. Finally, advice on how to proceed with the obtained data is suggested.


Child Abuse; early detection; education; health examination; health promotion; Madrid Association of Nurses in the Education Sector (AMECE); prevention; review; school health; school nurse; school nursing; schoolsspecial education

Versión en Español


Examen de salud básico en un servicio de Enfermería Escolar