Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2013 N° 9 Volumen 16

Monitoring and Management of Pressure in Continuous Extrarenal Depuration Techniques

Section: Hands on

How to quote

García Rivas JA, Muriana Jiménez R, Pérez Galán M. Monitorización y manejo de presiones en técnicas continuas de depuración extrarrenal. Metas Enferm 2013; (9):54-58.


Jesús Andrés García Rivas, Rafael Muriana Jiménez, Mario Pérez Galán


Enfermeros de Cuidados Intensivos. Unidad Clínica de Gestión de Cuidados Críticos y Urgencias. Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla.

Contact address

Jesús Andrés García Rivas. Bda. San Diego, Bl. 23, 2º B. 41015 Sevilla.

Contact email: jesus76@gmail.com


Safety policies are intended to provide safe care to patients, minimizing risks and preventing adverse effects derived from daily care practice. The training of Intensive Care Nurses in Continuous Extrarenal Depuration Techniques (CEDT) acquires special relevance due to the fast development and implementation which these therapies have acquired during recent years.
The adequate knowledge and management of the pressures which appear in the hemofiltration monitor during treatment is a key aspect of nursing intervention for preventing potential complications derived from these therapies.
With the aim of contributing to the objective of providing safe care, this paper describes the clinical meaning and management of different pressures which must be controlled in order to prevent risks for patients during CEDT application.


continuous hemofiltration; extrarenal depuration; safety; intensive care; preventionrisk control

Versión en Español


Monitorización y manejo de presiones en técnicas continuas de depuración extrarrenal