Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2013 N° 9 Volumen 16

A humanistic view of nursing care

Section: History and Fundamentals of Nursing

How to quote

Trens López DM, Basulto Pérez AE, Vercher Marcos A, Acosta Cuéllar ME. Visión humanística de los cuidados de Enfermería. Metas Enferm 2013; 16(9):70-74.


1Doris María Trens López, 2Ania Esperanza Basulto Pérez, 3Adonais Vercher Marcos, 4Martha Elena Acosta Cuéllar


1Enfermera. Máster en Medicina Bioenergética y Natural. Profesora asistente.2Enfermera. Especialista en Enfermería Comunitaria. Profesora instructora. 3Enfermera. Máster en Atención Integral a la Mujer. Profesora instructora.4Doctora en Medicina. Especialista en Medicina General Integral. Máster en Medicina Bioenergéticay Natural. Profesora instructora.

Contact address

Doris María Trens López. C/ Segunda paralela, 456 e/ 25 de Julio y Alfredo Adan. 70100 Reparto Florat. Ciudad de Camagüey (Cuba).

Contact email: dtrens@polfinlay.cmw.sld.cu


Nursing is a science acknowledged since mid 19th century, it has its own conceptual theoretic body which supports its principles and objectives, and it is in constant renovation through scientific research, personal procedures, and the use of new technologies targeted at the healthcare of people.
This analysis intends to describe a series of aspects which identify ­Nursing as a science, and the use of technology in its humanistic behavior in care provision. A bibliographic review was conducted, which included various textbooks and articles. Experts in this subject were consulted, in order to broaden the knowledge associated with the Nursing basics, through the analytic study of the bibliography reviewed. Nursing has developed scientific and technologically throughout the years, but this fact should not be detrimental to its deep humanistic aspect. There is a line of thought, gradually increasing, which is concerned with supporting what has been called a “technological humanism”, and there are many people who already share the hope of a type of humanism where persons tend to use techniques and technology always for the benefit of human ­beings, and at their service.


Technology; nursing advanceshumanism

Versión en Español


Visión humanística de los cuidados de Enfermería