Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MARZO 2014 N° 2 Volumen 17

Prevention of deterioration of the cutaneous integrity in the sacral area through the application of an atraumatic self-adherent foam dressing

Section: Trabajos del Sector

How to quote

Cómo citar este artículo: Álvarez Vázquez JC, Estany Gestal A, Álvarez Suárez T, Bran Mosquera J, Castro Prado J, Gutiérrez Moeda E, et al. Prevención del deterioro de la integridad cutánea en el sacro mediante la aplicación de una espuma de adhesión atraumática. Metas Enferm mar 2014; 17(2): 14-20.


1Juan Carlos Álvarez Vázquez, 2Ana Estany Gestal, 3Talía Álvarez Suárez, 4Julia Bran Mosquera, 5Javier Castro Prado, 6Esther Gutiérrez Moeda, 7Marta Otero Rodríguez, 8Mª Isabel Rodríguez Rodríguez, 6José Antonio Vázquez González


1Enfermero. Unidad de Heridas Crónicas. Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti. Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Lugo, Cervo e Monforte. Lugo. 2Farmacéutica. Unidad de Apoyo Metodológico y Estadístico. Fundación I+D+I Ramón Domínguez. Xerencia de Xestión Integrada Lugo, Cervo y Monforte. Lugo. 3Enfermera. Residencia Asistida de personas mayores Castro Ribeiras do Lea. Lugo.4Enfermera. Unidad de Hospitalización de Cuidados Paliativos y Geriatría. Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti. Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Lugo, Cervo e Monforte. Lugo.5Enfermero. Centro de Salud de Plaza del Ferrol (Lugo). Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Lugo,Cervo e Monforte. Lugo. 6Enfermera/o. Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti. Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Lugo, Cervo e Monforte. Lugo. 7Enfermera. Unidad de Hospitalización Geriatría. Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti. Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Lugo, Cervo e Monforte. Lugo.8Enfermera. Servicio de Onco-Hematología. Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti. Xerencia de Xestión Integrada de Lugo, Cervo e Monforte. Lugo.

Contact address

Juan Carlos Álvarez Vázquez. Responsable de la Unidad de Heridas Crónicas (consulta A-401, 4ª planta). Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti. C/ Dr. U


Objective: to determine if the application of an atraumatic self-adherent foam dressing (Mepilex Border Sacrum®) will
reduce or delay the presentation of lesions in the sacral area in those patients with a high risk of developing pressure ulcers.
Method: non-randomized clinical trial. The participants were patients from the Geriatrics, Palliative Care and Oncohaematology Departments and the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti, as well as from the Assisted Living Home for Elderly People Castro de Riberas de Lea Sarquavitae. The intervention group was formed by those hospitalized persons who presented a high risk of developing pressure ulcers (between 6 and 12 points in the Braden Scale). The control group included those individuals who had low or moderate risk (≥13 points in the Braden Scale) at admission. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee for Clinical Research in Galicia.
Results: there were 46 individuals in each arm of the study. Within the group in which the atraumatic self-adherent foam dressing was applied, there was a much lower number of
cutaneous alteration events than in the group where it was not applied (2 vs 20, respectively). At the same time, the number of individuals who developed lesions was 10% lower in the foam dressing group. It was always observed that the number of days required for developing a lesion was significantly higher in
the group of patients who had received the atraumatic self-
adherent foam dressing (p<0.05).
Conclusions: the Mepilex Border Sacrum® atraumatic self-
adherent foam dressing could be used as a preventive element for the deterioration of cutaneous integrity in the sacral area, given that it reduces or delays the presentation of lesions in said area in patients with a high risk of developing pressure ulcers.


Prevention of sacral lesions; atraumatic self-adherent dressingBraden Scale: Mepilex Border Sacrum®

Versión en Español


Prevención del deterioro de la integridad cutánea en el sacro mediante la aplicación de una espuma de adhesión atraumática.