Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2014 N° 6 Volumen 17

The regulatory journey of the midwife profession

Section: History and Fundamentals of Nursing

How to quote

de la Rosa Várez Z, Rivas Castillo MT, Alguacil Sánchez MV. Recorrido legislativo de la profesión de matrona. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2014; 17(6): 70-73.


1Zoraida de la Rosa Várez, 1María Teresa Rivas Castillo, 1María del Valle Alguacil Sánchez


1Enfermera Especialista en Obstetricia y Ginecología. Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía.

Contact address

Zoraida de la Rosa Várez. C/ Campanario, 15, bajo C. 18199 Cájar (Granada).

Contact email: zory_57@hotmail.com


Throughout history, women have been responsible for pregnancy care and labour. Knowledge was transmitted from mothers to daughters, until the acknowledgement of the profession started in the XIII century. This article describes the evolution of contemporary legislation which regulates the responsibilities of Spanish midwives.
A document review was conducted. Primary documents were located, the Official Gazette of the State (BOE) was consulted, and there was a review of the CUIDEN and MEDLINE databases. No time limitations were used.
As part of the results, there is a description of the different regulations and laws which have ruled the profession from 1973 to our current day.
There has been a favourable evolution along the history of the midwife profession, with an increase in the acknowledgement of its functions, both by European and Spanish legal systems. Currently, in our setting, the midwife is an acknowledged figure, with well-specified responsibilities.


Midwife; history; legislation; professional responsibilitiesreview

Versión en Español


Recorrido legislativo de la profesión de matrona