High quality healthcare in immigration

Section: Ethics and Society

How to quote

Barroso Estévez E, Armenteros Berral MM, Zafra Sánchez MT, Brell Martín D. Asistencia sanitaria de calidad en inmigración. Metas Enferm may 2015; 18(4): 25-32.


1Elena Barroso Estévez, 2Marina del Mar Armenteros Berral, 3María Teresa Zafra Sánchez, 4Daniel Brell Martín


1Enfermera. Ayuntamiento de Puente Genil. Programa Iniciativa Cooperación Social y Comunitaria. Puente Genil (Córdoba).2Enfermera. Gabinete Técnico de Prevención (Grupo Preving). Jaén.3Enfermera. Residencia para personas mayores “Juan Zarrias”. Cazalilla (Jaén).4Licenciado en Biología y Bioquímica. Universidad de Córdoba.

Contact address

Elena Barroso Estévez. Avda. Mozárabes, 19 D, 1º, 1. 14011 Córdoba.

Contact email: helenbarroso@hotmail.com


Human migration records have been potentially increased, primarily due to the phenomenon of globalization, tourism, and work activities. At the same time, weather changes and the natural migrations of certain animal species, together with their accidental or intentional introduction, represents a major risk, sometimes unavoidable, for certain diseases to spread in environments where they would not be considered endemic. The concept of “imported disease” refers to that disease acquired in a country where it might be more or less frequent, but which has a clinical manifestation in another country where it does not exist or is very infrequent. In this article, through a bibliographical search, we have grouped those diseases commonly associated with immigration, and their epidemiological data, with the objective to learn about the healthcare problems entailed by tropical diseases in Spain. Additionally, the current status of help for immigrants is described, analyzing the most important measures for healthcare control and prevention, in order to guarantee an optimal quality of care. Nursing professionals must be fully knowledgeable about these imported diseases, in order to act as awareness agents for tropical diseases, and to report those cases of diseases under surveillance by the relevant authorities.


Tropical diseases; epidemiological surveillance; Immigration; quality of care

Versión en Español


Asistencia sanitaria de calidad en inmigración