Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2015 N° 6 Volumen 18

The contribution by nurses in the procedure to obtain informed consent

Section: Ethics and Society

How to quote

Rodríguez Muela S. Contribución enfermera en el procedimiento para la obtención del consentimiento informado. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2015; 18(6): 27-31.


Sara Rodríguez Muela


Enfermera. Licenciada en Derecho.Centro de Salud Arturo Eyries. Valladolid.

Contact address

Sara Rodríguez. Muela Carretera de Rueda, 204, 1º, 5.

Contact email: sarodm@gmail.com


The association between Nursing and Informed Consent is not new, because it is not completely true that obtaining Informed Consent should be the exclusive responsibility of physicians, and that it has nothing to do with nursing professionals. Nurses play a key role in the protection of patients’ moral autonomy at clinical decision making, and this has resulted in Informed Consent.
In order to contribute to its better knowledge, firstly there will be a review on the association between Informed Consent and Nursing Professionals, based on scientific literature, both from a doctrinal aspect and as applied to daily practice. Subsequently, we will make reference to the constitutional imperative represented by this mechanism of protection for the right to physical and moral integrity. Finally, there is a review of current regulations, both legislative and ethical, on Informed Consent and Nursing. The objective of the present article is to analyze the relationship between Nursing Professionals and Informed Consent.


informed consent; advance directives; Nursing ethics

Versión en Español


Contribución enfermera en el procedimiento para la obtención del consentimiento informado