Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2015 N° 6 Volumen 18

Adhesive Felt Pads for Treatment of Neuropathic Ulcers in Diabetic Patients

Section: In Proper Name

How to quote

Prats Guardiola M, Martín Barreales E, Sturlese Gimeno K, Pinilla De Pablos L. Fieltro adhesivo de descarga para el tratamiento de una úlcera neuropática en un paciente diabético. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2015; 18(6): 50-55.


1Marta Prats Guardiola, 1Ester Martín Barreales, 1Krystel Sturlese Gimeno, 1Laura Pinilla De Pablos


1    Enfermera. Equipo de Atención Primaria Sant Ildefonso. Cornellá de Llobregat, Barcelona.

Contact address

Marta Prats Guardiola. C/ Mossen Jaume Sole, 12, 2º- 2. 08940 Cornellá de Llobregat (Barcelona).


Diabetic foot is one of the most feared complications in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM), because 15% of patients will develop an ulcer throughout their lives, and 12% will suffer amputations. This entails a reduction in quality of life and an increase in patient’s morbimortality.
We present the clinical case of a 77-year-old patient with long-evolution DM who developed a neuropathic ulcer. These lesions appear due to neuropathy and biomechanical changes in the foot, which will cause an increase in plantar pressures.
Nursing assessment was conducted according to Virginia Henderson’s Model, and the following nursing diagnoses were established: deterioration in cutaneous integrity and nutritional excess imbalance. The care plan was prepared using the classifications by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC) and Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). Outcomes were assessed at three months, achieving wound healing, weight loss, and an improvement in diet awareness; the patient showed compliance for the objectives set out.
Ulcer healing has been directly associated with the reduction in pressure, and with the adhesive felt pad which has been a key element in the healing process.


Diabetic foot; neuropathic ulcer; adhesive felt pad; Primary Care; clinical case

Versión en Español


Fieltro adhesivo de descarga para el tratamiento de una úlcera neuropática en un paciente diabético