Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 2015 N° 7 Volumen 18

Von Willebrand disease and the labor process

Section: Hands on

How to quote

López Medina MD, López Araque AB, Rodríguez Castilla F. Enfermedad de von Willebrand y proceso de trabajo de parto. Metas Enferm sep 2015; 18(7): 71-73.


1María Dolores López Medina, 2Ana Belén López Araque, 3Francisco Rodríguez Castilla


1    Enfermera Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia.2    Enfermera. Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Salud, Cuidados y Calidad de Vida. Gerencia de Atención integrada de Valdepeñas. Hospital de Valdepeñas.3    Enfermero Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia. Complejo Hospitalario de Jaén.

Contact address

María Dolores López Medina. C/ General Moscardó, 2. 23620 Mengíbar (Jaén).

Contact email: anitaliis@hotmail.com


It is difficult to identify and treat those haematological disorders developed during pregnancy, because there are not many tests available to guide specialists. Von Willbrand Disease is the most frequent coagulation problem, caused by a deficit in Von Willebrand Factor. We present the case of a 33-year-old pregnant woman who started her labor process pending confirmation of whether she suffered this disease, and therefore she was provided with the relevant care both during labor and in the immediate post-labor stage at the Labor & Delivery Unit. The successful management of this type of situations involves a fast identification of post-labor bleeding in order to prevent any potential complications which might alter the wellbeing of both foetus and mother.


Von Willebrand Diseases; blood coagulation disorderslabor and pregnancy

Versión en Español


Enfermedad de von Willebrand y proceso de trabajo de parto