Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2016 N° 6 Volumen 19

Addressing patients infected by zika

Section: ArtículoEspecial

How to quote

Yagüe Pasamón R, Sagarra Mur D. Abordaje del paciente infectado por zika. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2016; 19(6): 22-27.


Rubén Yagüe Pasamón1, Daniel Sagarra Mur2


1Enfermero. Hospital Royo Villanova (Zaragoza). Profesor Asociado. Universidad San Jorge (Zaragoza). Máster Universitario de Investigación en Ciencias de la Salud2Doctor en Medicina. Especialista en Neurología. Hospital de Santa Bárbara. Complejo Asistencial de Soria

Contact address

Rubén Yagüe Pasamón. C/ Las Parras, 14. 19250 Sigüenza (Guadalajara).

Contact email: rubenyague.enfermero@gmail.com


The Zika virus has been classified as an arbovirus, within the Flavivirus genus, that can be transmitted to human beings through the bite of an Aedes species mosquito. Since its discovery in Uganda (Africa) in 1943, its evolution has occurred as isolated outbreaks, although in recent decades it has developed into a world-wide problem. Its clinical symptoms are typically mild and unspecific, sometimes even asymptomatic, though it can present very severe autoimmune and neurological complications, particularly in newborns. Given the scale of the problem and its limited knowledge in Spain (due to its shot time evolution), the main objective of this article is to inform Nursing Professionals about the main aspects of this new condition, and to put forward a plan of care for the optimal management of this type of patients from prevention, early diagnosis, and care for infected patients.


Zika virus; epidemiology; transmission; prevention; diagnosis and treatment; infectious disease

Versión en Español


Abordaje del paciente infectado por zika

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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