Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2016 N° 6 Volumen 19

Interventions to promote treatment adherence conducted by the nurses accredited according to the ACSA model

Section: Originals

How to quote

Brea Rivero P, Rojas de Mora Figueroa A, Salguero Cabalgante R, Herrera Usagre M. Intervenciones para potenciar la adherencia terapéutica realizadas por las enfermeras acreditadas según el modelo ACSA. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2016; 19(6): 6-13.


Pilar Brea Rivero1, Ana Rojas de Mora Figueroa2, Rocío Salguero Cabalgante3, Manuel Herrera Usagre4


1Doctora por la Universidad de Málaga. Agencia de Calidad Sanitaria de Andalucía2Enfermera. Agencia de Calidad Sanitaria de Andalucía3Especialista en Enfermería Obstétrico-Ginecológica. Agencia de Calidad Sanitaria de Andalucía4Doctor por la Universidad de Sevilla. Agencia de Calidad Sanitaria de Andalucía. Departamento de Sociología. Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Contact address

Pilar Brea Rivero. C/ Augusto Peyré, 1. Edificio Olalla, 3ª Planta. 41020 Sevilla.

Contact email: mpilar.brea@juntadeandalucia.es


Objectives: to describe the interventions conducted by hospitalization nurses accredited under the model of the Agency for Healthcare Quality in Andalusia (ACSA), with the objective of promoting and improving adherence to the therapeutic regimen; and to confirm if there were differences in these interventions according to the sociodemographical characteristics of the professional and the patient, as well as the level of accreditation achieved by the nurse.
Method: a descriptive transversal study on 2,196 clinical practice reports provided by the 1,098 nurses accredited from 2010 to 2016 in the Community of Andalusia. Variables: gender, age, and accreditation level of the nurses, interventions conducted, and patient age. Data collection was conducted through the ME_jora P computer application. Chi Square Test was used for bivariate analysis.
Results: “Education for Health”, “Education: the disease process”, and “Counselling” were the interventions conducted by the majority of nurses in order to improve treatment adherence. The least conducted intervention was “Promotion of willingness to learn”. The older female nurses with accreditation at an Expert or Excellent level are those who conduct more interventions in order to promote treatment adherence.
Conclusions: accredited nurses will adapt their interventions to the basic sociodemographic characteristics of patients. The experience acquired and knowledge demonstrated is a predictor for conducting more varied and complex interventions in order to improve treatment adherence. It would be necessary to conduct in depth studies about the differences in terms of patient conditions.


Treatment regimen; hospitalization nurses; gender differences; research; descriptive transversal study

Versión en Español


Intervenciones para potenciar la adherencia terapéutica realizadas por las enfermeras acreditadas según el modelo ACSA