Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2016 N° 8 Volumen 19

Approach for an oncology patient and her family

Section: Práctica Clínica

How to quote

Benavides Espínola IC, Gómez Ramínez CM, Orozco Carreras E. Abordaje de un paciente oncológico y su familia. Metas Enferm oct 2016; 19(8): 71-76.


Inmaculada Concepción Benavides Espínola1, Carmen María Gómez Ramírez1, Elena Orozco Carreras1


1Enfermera Especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. Servicio Andaluz de Salud

Contact address

Inmaculada Concepción Benavides Espínola. C/ Santa Inés, 4. 18560 Guadahortuna (Granada).

Contact email: benavidespinola@hotmail.com


A clinical case of a 49-year-old female patient, mentally handicapped and with a diagnosis of advanced Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The progression of the disease, together with the current situation of her family, has led to the development of compromised family coping. Given that the disease is progressing, it is decided to include the patient in the palliative care process, with an intermediate level of complexity. The patient has a central venous catheter with subcutaneous reservoir (Port-A-Cath®), requires continuous blood extractions, and also repeat transfusions. Follow-up is conducted by the Home Palliative Care Team as well as by the Hospital Haematology Department and the Primary Care team (nurse case manager, nurse, and GP). The involvement of multiple healthcare professionals in this process requires good coordination between all of them, with the objective of providing all necessary care to the patient, so that she can lead a life as dignified as possible and free of suffering.


primary care nursing; end-of-life situation; advanced disease; palliative care; family coping; integrated healthcare

Versión en Español


Abordaje de un paciente oncológico y su familia