Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2016 N° 9 Volumen 19

The influence of advanced maternal age upon the incidence of C-sections

Section: Originals

How to quote

Espinilla Sanz B, Albillos Alonso L, González Nicolás I, Marcos Peña S, Sadornil Vicario E, Fernandez Pernía B. Influencia de la edad materna avanzada en la incidencia de cesárea. Metas Enferm nov 2016; 19(9): 57-60.


Beatriz Espinilla Sanz1, Laura Albillos Alonso1, Inés González Nicolás1, Susana Marcos Peña1,Ester Sadornil Vicario1, Beatriz Fernandez Pernía1


1Enfermera Especialista en Enfermería Obstétrico-Ginecológica (Matrona). Unidad de Paritorio. Servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Hospital Universitario de Burgos

Contact address

Laura Albillos Alonso. Avda. de los Reyes Católicos, 10-3º E. 09006 Burgos

Contact email: lalbillosalonso@gmail.com


Objective: to describe the incidence of C-sections at the Hospital Universitario de Burgos (HUBU) from 2004 to 2014; as well as to explore the influence of advanced maternal age, considering two cut-off ages (35 and 40 years) for said incidence.
Material and methods: a descriptive longitudinal retrospective study (2004-2014) on the 24,521 labours conducted at the HUBU. The computerized record of labours was used. The primary variable of the study was C-section, and the independent variable was maternal age, considering two cut-off ages (>40-year-old vs. ≤40 year-old; >35-year old vs. ≤35-year-old). The z-test was used for hypothesis contrast, and a 95% confidence interval (CI) was estimated.
Results: the study included a population of 24,426 labours. The difference in the incidence of C-sections between >40-year old and ≤40-year-old was 11% (CI 95%: 8%-14%; p< 0.001), showing a higher incidence in >40-year-old women. Regarding the cut-off age of 35 years, the difference was 5% (CI 95%: 3.8%-6.2%; p< 0.001), and in the same direction previously mentioned. There was an overall cumulative incidence of C-sections of 22.5% (CI 95%: 21.98%-23.02%).
Conclusion: there are differences in the incidence of C-sections based on age, regardless of the cut-off age of 35 or 40 years, showing a higher incidence in older mothers. It is worth considering the effect of assisted reproduction techniques, and the potential increase in elective C-sections.


maternal age; C-section; pregnant women; research; descriptive longitudinal study

Versión en Español


Influencia de la edad materna avanzada en la incidencia de cesárea