Plan of care for a patient with a gastrostomy catheter

Section: Práctica Clínica

How to quote

Rivas Calvete O, Franco Allué B, Oliván Güerri L. Plan de cuidados a un paciente portador de una sonda de gastrostomía. Metas Enferm oct 2017; 20(8): 74-78.


Olga Rivas Calvete1, Begoña Franco Allué1, Lorenzo Oliván Güerri1


1Enfermera/o. Unidad de Endoscopias Digestivas. Hospital General San Jorge de Huesca

Contact address

Olga Rivas Calvete. Avda. Monegros, 40-portal 4, 2º B. 22005 Huesca.

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We present the case of a patient with gastrostomy due to neoplasia in the pyriform sinus that prevented swallowing. When the patient was referred, he presented a major irritation of the skin around the gastrostomy catheter, due to the continuous production of gastric juices, as well as food losses caused by the excessive width of the ostomy and continuous pain in the area. Said situation prevented the patient from resting, and generated feelings of concern and discouragement. The patient was assessed using Marjory Gordon’s patterns, identifying nursing diagnoses according to the taxonomy by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA), outcomes according to the Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), and the adequate nursing interventions, following the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC), so that the patient acquired the skills needed to manage his gastrostomy catheter, learning how to administer adequately food and medications through it, and maintaining the integrity of peristomal skin.


Gastrostomy catheter; swallowing; plan of care; nursing diagnoses; nursing diagnoses

Versión en Español


Plan de cuidados a un paciente portador de una sonda de gastrostomía