The Marshmallow Challenge: Working on skills for teamwork, leadership, and problem solving

Section: ArtículoEspecial

How to quote

González Gil T, González Blázquez C, Arlandis Casanova M, Sellán Soto C, Palmar Santos AM, Serrano Gallardo P. El Reto del Malvavisco: trabajando competencias de trabajo en equipo, liderazgo y resolución de problemas. Metas Enferm nov 2017; 20(9): 73-78.


Teresa González Gil1, Cristina González Blázquez1, Matilde Arlandis Casanova2, Carmen Sellán Soto3, Ana Mª Palmar Santos1, Pilar Serrano Gallardo4


1Doctora. Sección Departamental de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Hospital Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda (IDIPHIM). Madrid2Máster. Sección Departamental de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid3Doctora. Sección Departamental de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid4Doctora. Sección Departamental de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Instituto Interuniversitario “Investigación Avanzada sobre Evaluación de la Ciencia y la Universidad” (INAECU). Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Hospital Puerta de Hierro-Majadahonda (IDIPHIM). Madrid

Contact address

Teresa González Gil. Sección Departamental de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. C/ Arzobispo Morcillo, 4. 28029 Madrid

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According to “orden CIN” (CIN/2134/2008) and the White Paper on Nursing, the teaching staff must work with Nursing students on four different areas: professional values, communication skills and interpersonal relations, decision making in clinical practice, and teamwork management. In the setting of game-based pedagogy, the introduction in the classroom of the “Marshmallow Challenge” was considered a useful activity to reflect and delve into teamwork aspects, promoting the skills of collaboration, shared leadership, empathy and creativity from a recreational approach and through everyday situations away from the clinical level. This work was conducted with Nursing Degree students in their third year, within the subject Tutored Practices III. The activity consisted primarily in working on teamwork and shared leadership skills through the game, and subsequently translating the knowledge generated into a clinical situation by solving a case. The activity was evaluated very positively by students; they considered that introducing the game in the classroom was a very creative and useful manner to develop skills that can be subsequently implemented in the performance of their professional role.


leadership; Teamwork; Nursing education; teaching methods; games

Versión en Español


El Reto del Malvavisco: trabajando competencias de trabajo en equipo, liderazgo y resolución de problemas