ATIC Terminology: Considerations of use in patient care

Section: ArtículoEspecial

How to quote

Juvé Udin ME. La terminología ATIC: consideraciones de uso en la prestación de cuidados. Metas Enferm dic 2017/ene 2018; 20(10): 67-76.


Mª Eulàlia Juvé Udina


Doctora en Ciencias Enfermeras. Instituto de Investigación Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL). Barcelona

Contact address

Mª Eulàlia Juvé Udina. Universitat de Barcelona. Campus de Bellvitge. Departamento de Enfermería fundamental y médico-quirúrgica. C/ Feixa Llarga, s/n

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ATIC Terminology is based on the natural language of nurses; its concepts are object to theoretical refinement. It has a matrix structure, non-taxonomic, and it aims at representing the patient care process in a circular and recurrent manner, where the first and the last step is the interaction of the nurse with the person receiving care. The objective of this article is to present the considerations and review the evidence on the use of ATIC terminology in patient care. For this aim, there has been an adaptation of the mixed, narrative, continuous method, where the results of the review of studies are presented sequentially with their essential considerations, so that readers can draw their own conclusions. Based on a circular and recurrent concept of the patient care process, the evaluation axis of ATIC has been used to build data models, and it is used in practice to represent the initial, continuous and focused comprehensive evaluation of the person’s status. Various studies support its use.
The diagnostic axis of ATIC is based on a pragmatic concept of the meaning of nursing diagnosis, and puts forward a network of new concepts to be used in practice. Studies have demonstrated its usability, accuracy and utility for the representation of nursing clinical judgment. The terminology intervention basis feeds off the conceptualization of healthcare practice by nurses and the pragmatic representation of their patient care. Various studies have analyzed its use, the level of understanding by nurses about its contents, and the consistency between the record of diagnoses, interventions and outcomes. Summing up, the evidence that supports and demonstrates the use of ATIC in patient care practice seems to endorse the scenario that ATIC facilitates the record and visibility of the contribution of patient care by nurses to health outcomes, even though the method used leaves conclusions to be drawn by each reader.


Standardization of nursing terminology; Nursing diagnosis; Nursing Assessment; administration of healthcare services; electronic clinical record; clinical documentation; clinical documentation

Versión en Español


La terminología ATIC: consideraciones de uso en la prestación de cuidados