Competencies of the Hematology Advanced Nurse Practitioner in CAR-T therapy

Section: Originals

How to quote

Alonso Gil M, Alonso Campo ME, Castaño de Luis M, Mahamud Díez F, Santiago Martínez M. Colocación de pulseras identificativas y de grupo sanguíneo en quirófano de ortopedia. Metas Enferm abr 2020; 23(3):50-6. Doi:


Marina Alonso Gil1, Mª Elena Alonso Campo1, Mónica Castaño de Luis1, Fátima Mahamud Díez1, Mónica Santiago Martínez1


1Enfermera. Bloque quirúrgico. Hospital Universitario de Burgos

Contact address

Marina Alonso Gil. Hospital Universitario de Burgos. Quirófano de traumatología (Bloque técnico F, planta 0). Avda. Islas Baleares, 3. 09006 Burgos.

Contact email:


Objective: to determine if there is an adequate use of identification and blood type wristbands in patients undergoing ortophedic surgery.
Method: a cross-sectional descriptive study. The study population consisted of patients who had undergone orthopedic surgery for knee and hip prosthesis at the Hospital Universitario de Burgos. Data collection technique: direct observation. Study variables: gender, age, type of surgery, side of surgery, wristband placement, central venous line, IV line catheterization at the operating room, gauge, wristband removal, wristband replacement, time without wristbands, IV line and wristband in the same arm, and ward of origin.
Results: the study analyzed 153 cases; 100% of patients had an identification wristband, and 98% had blood type wristbands. It was necessary to remove 27% of the identification wristbands and 29% of the blood type wristbands due to incorrect placement; all of them were replaced. The mean time that the patient stayed at the operating room without a personal data wristband was 51.62 minutes, and 50.36 minutes without blood type wristband.
Conclusions: the vast majority of patients were adequately identified through the two wristbands; though, for surgical requirements, in some cases these had to be removed, and patients were unidentified during approximately one hour. Communication and information with nurses becomes essential in order to improve the quality of care and patient safety.


patient safety; patient identification systems; identification wristband; Accident prevention; blood transfusion; orthopedic surgery; research; cross-sectional studies

Versión en Español


Colocación de pulseras identificativas y de grupo sanguíneo en quirófano de ortopedia