Evaluation of urine collection methods in <2-year-olds in a Paediatric Emergency Unit

) and at the first attempt in 83.5% of catheterizations. There was contamination in 8.8% of samples collected by stimulation vs. none with bladder catheterization (p= 0.008). The use of sucrose reduced the discomfort (p= 0.028) without any impact on the success of techniques (p> 0.05).
Conclusion: there was high success with both techniques. Sample contamination was lower with bladder catheterizations than with stimulations. The use of sucrose reduced discomfort without any impact on technique success.


Urine sample extraction; infant; paediatrics; nursing; emergencies; case reports

Versión en Español


Evaluación de los métodos de recogida de orina en menores de 2 años en un servicio de urgencias pediátricas