Emergency incorporation of Nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of competences

Section: Originals

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Martínez-Muñoz M, Bañuls-Pardina M, Andrés-Escobedo D, del Oso-Morán J, Regné-Alegret C, Gómez-Martín MC, et al. Incorporación urgente de estudiantes de Enfermería durante la pandemia por COVID-19: análisis de competencias. Metas Enferm feb 2022; 25(1):7- 16. Doi: https://doi.org/10.35667/MetasEnf.2022.25.1003081860


Montserrat Martínez Muñoz1a,b, Marisa Bañuls Pardina2a, Daniel Andrés Escobedo3a,b, Juan del Oso Morán1a, Creu Regné Alegret4a, María del Carmen Gómez Martín2a,b, Irene Joana Batuecas Duelt1a, Sara López Branchadell5a, Jorge García Alcaide6a, María Ángeles Barba Flores7a, Esperanza Zuriguel Pérez8a,b


1Máster en Investigación e Innovación en Cuidados. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (España)2Máster en Gestión en Servicios de Enfermería. Universidad de Barcelona (España)3Diplomado en Estadística. Universidad de Barcelona (España)4Máster de Gestión Estratégica de la Información y el Conocimiento en las Organizaciones. Universidad Abierta de Cataluña (España)5Máster en Enfermería de Urgencias Hospitalarias. Universidad de Barcelona (España)6Máster en atención a las personas con diabetes. Universidad de Barcelona (España)7Máster en Liderazgo y Gestión. Universidad de Barcelona (España)8Doctora en Enfermería. Universidad de Barcelona (España)aUnidad de Gestión del Conocimiento y Evaluación. Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron. Barcelona (España)bGrupo de Investigación Multidisciplinario de Enfermería. Vall d'Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR). Barcelona (España)

Contact address

Montserrat Martínez Muñoz. Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron. Passeig Vall d’Hebron, 119-129. 08035 Barcelona (España)

Contact email: montmart@vhebron.net


Objective: to describe the level of competence among Nursing Degree students hired as support at the Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron (Barcelona) during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to determine their satisfaction with the clinical environment.

Method: a descriptive cross-sectional study, including all persons hired (n= 39) between February and March 2020. Demographic, academic and occupational variables were collected at one month of their incorporation, and their level of competence was measured (COM_VAT© questionnaire with 21 items scored from 1: insufficient performance, to 4: autonomous and correct performance), as well as the satisfaction with their clinical environment (questionnaire designed ad hoc with three dimensions: orientation, integration with the team, and adaptation to the work environment, evaluated through 15 items scored from 1: high disagreement, to 5: high agreement). Descriptive and bivariate statistics was used.

Results: all 39 persons were included. The overall median score of the evaluation of skills was 3.9 out of 4 scores [IQR 3.7-4]. The competence of assessing, diagnosing and addressing ever-changing health situations obtained a score of 3.85 [IQR 3.4-4]. The competence of helping patients to comply with treatment and getting them involved obtained a 4 [IQR 4-4], and the competence of contributing to guarantee safety and care process obtained 3.8 [IQR 3.6 – 4]. The median satisfaction with the clinical environment was 69 out of 75 [IQR 63-74] without statistically significant differences according to the other characteristics.

Conclusion: the participants showed a level of competence ensuring correct performance, but that might require occasional help. They reported high satisfaction with the clinical environment.


care; coronavirus infections; volunteers; clinical competence; nursing students; job satisfaction; working conditions; cross-sectional studies

Versión en Español


Incorporación urgente de estudiantes de Enfermería durante la pandemia por COVID-19: análisis de competencias

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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