Self-efficacy perceived by caregivers to relatives in the Torrijos Basic Health Area

Section: Originals

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Santiago Subiela X, Calero Oliver C, Gómez-Escalonilla Lorenzo S. Autoeficacia percibida de personas cuidadoras familiares de la Zona Básica de Salud de Torrijos. Metas Enferm dic 2022/ene 2023; 25(10):50-9. Doi: 1003082026


Xaime Santiago Subiela1, Cynthia Calero Oliver2, Soledad Gómez-Escalonilla Lorenzo3


1Especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. Centro de Salud El Cristo. Oviedo, Asturias (España)2Especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. Centro de Salud Pumarín. Oviedo, Asturias (España) 3Graduada en Enfermería. Centro de Salud Torrijos. Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha (España)

Contact address

Xaime Santiago Subiela. C/ Turina, 7. 33011 Oviedo, Asturias (España).

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Objective: to determine the level of self-efficacy perceived by caregivers to relatives in the Torrijos Basic Health Area (Toledo, Spain), describing the impact of sociodemographic and care variables on self-efficacy. To identify the influence on self-efficacy of overload, self-esteem, and the use of sociosanitary services.
Methodology: a descriptive cross-sectional study (November 2020-March 2021). Adult caregivers from the BHA were included by convenience sampling through healthcare staff. The sociodemographic variables of the caregiver and of the person cared for were measured, as well as their perceived self-efficacy (revised self-efficacy scale for care: high / low), caregiver overload (Zarits scale: without, overload, intense overload), self-esteem (Rosenberg scale: minimum 10 to maximum 40) and use of sociosanitary services through self-administered hetero questionnaire. Descriptive and bivariate analyses were conducted.
Results: the study included 88 persons (83% were female, 56.8% daughters, 61 years as mean age, with a mean dedication to care of 16 hours per day). Of these, 33% had overload and a mean self-esteem of 37.6 over 40; 58% used some sociosanitary service; and 53.3% showed high self-efficacy. There was higher self-efficacy in those who shared care with other persons (p= 0.01), perceived support (p= 0.02) and cared for women (p= 0.03). Those persons with high self-efficacy had dedicated fewer months to care (p< 0.05), had lower overload and conducted more consultations with the Nursing staff after the pandemics. There was no association between the use of sociosanitary services and self-efficacy or overload.
Conclusions: the perception of support, the presence of more caregivers and caring for women were associated with higher self-efficacy. There was a negative association between self-efficacy and overload.


Self efficacy; caregivers; Primary Health Care; caregiver burden; self concept; cross-sectional studies

Versión en Español


Autoeficacia percibida de personas cuidadoras familiares de la Zona Básica de Salud de Torrijos

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