Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

FEBRERO 2006 N° 1 Volumen 9

Prevention management system in the handling of cytostatics

Section: Healthcare Management

How to quote

Gestión sanitaria López-Valverde MA, Martínez Díaz JD. Sistema de gestión de la prevención en el manejo de fármacos citostáticos. Metas de Enferm feb 2006; 9(1): 50-54


1Mª Ángeles López Valverde, 2Juan Daniel Martínez Díaz


1Enfermera de Empresa. Técnico Superior de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Servicio de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales. Distrito Sanitario de Almería.2Enfermero. Hospital Torrecárdenas (Almería). Profesor Asociado. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Almería.

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C/ Zaire,12. 04009 Almería

Contact email: ANGELES.LOPEZ.V@terra.es


The danger for healthcare professionals who handle cytotoxic drugs derives from the combination of their inherent toxicity and the extent of the exposure. The preparation, administration and elimination of cytostatics can entail the exposure of different healthcare professionals; however, there are several research works establishing that the nursing professional runs a higher risk of exposure during the performance of their tasks, particularly during the preparation of the drug. The execution of a prevention management system, in accordance with the recommendations of the OHSAS 18001 Regulation (Occupational Health and Safety Management Scheme), provide the basis for organisations to start specific measures that help reduce risk, identifying and acting on the dangers that have to do with the management of cytostatics. This paper presents a proposal for the development of a Prevention Management System for Handling Cytostatics, including the objectives of such system and an action plan.


occupational health; occupational hazards; cytostatics; antineoplastic agentssafety management

Versión en Español


Sistema de gestión de la prevención en el manejo de fármacos citostáticos