The Advanced Practice Nurse in a Surgical Prehabilitation Program

Section: Práctica Clínica

How to quote

Mudarra García N, García Sánchez F. Enfermera de práctica avanzada en Programa de Prehabilitación Quirúrgica. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2023; 26(6):71-8. Doi:


Natalia Mudarra García1, Francisco Javier García Sánchez2


1Doctora por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Unidad de Prehabilitación Quirúrgica. Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina. Departamento de Enfermería. Facultad de Enfermería. UCM. IDIPHISA. Madrid (España) 2Doctor por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). Unidad de Prehabilitación Quirúrgica. Hospital Universitario Infanta Cristina. Departamento de Medicina. Facultad de Medicina. UCM. IDIPHISA. Madrid (España)

Contact address

Natalia Mudarra García. C/ Esperanza, 26. 28609 Sevilla La Nueva, Madrid (España).

Contact email:


Multimodal rehabilitation encompasses a series of preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative measures and strategies, including Surgical Prehabilitation as part of the preoperative stage in the surgical process. Some of the objectives of the Surgical Prehabilitation Program stand out: a) to improve the health status of the patient, with interventions over modifiable parameters of quality of life, functionality and comorbidity, allowing them to face surgery in optimal conditions: n) to reduce postoperative complications; c) to reduce the hospital stay and re-admissions; d) to reduce healthcare costs. This program is led by an Advanced Practice Nurse, working in a collaborative and interdisciplinary way with an Internal Medicine Specialist, for a comprehensive approach to the patient, reducing the number of referrals to other specialists, and achieving a reduction in the times of care required for their surgical preparation. The Surgical Prehabilitation Program was initiated by mid-2019 at the Hospital Infanta Cristina (Madrid, Spain), and included 25 patients. In 2020, 144 patients were managed, 276 in 2021, and 480 patients in 2022. Relevant clinical results have been registered in these years: an improvement in functionality and quality of life; reduction in complications, readmissions, hospitalization days, and need for packed red blood cells; as well as savings of approximately 400,000 euros.


Multimodal prehabilitation; surgery; nursing; internal medicine; preoperative

Versión en Español


Enfermera de práctica avanzada en Programa de Prehabilitación Quirúrgica