Non-pharmacological methods as an effective measure for pain management in normal delivery

Section: Revisiones

How to quote

Montero García A, Provencio Herranz V. Métodos no farmacológicos como medida efectiva en el control del dolor en el parto eutócico. Metas Enferm dic 23/ene 24; 26(10):69-78. Doi:


Ana Montero García1, Virginia Provencio Herranz2


1 Graduada en Enfermería. Unidad de Neonatología. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Madrid (España)2 Máster (Universitat de Barcelona). Centro Municipal de Salud Comunitaria Usera. Madrid (España). Departamento de Enfermería. Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (España)

Contact address

Ana Montero García. C/ Diego Martínez Barrio, 40. 28914 Leganés, Madrid (España).

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Objective: to study the use of existing non-pharmacological measures for pain management in normal delivery. It is specifically intended to show the advantages and drawbacks of each of these methods, as well as to show the role of the midwife in their application.
Method: a narrative review was conducted in the Pubmed, CINAHL, Cuiden, Scielo and Cochrane Plus databases. Google Academic was also a resource. Language filters were used (Spanish, English and Portuguese), as well as date filters (from 2018 to 2023).
Results: the study included 33 articles. Hydrotherapy, accompaniment, freedom of movements, the fitness ball, and sterile water injections, have shown favourable results in terms of pain relief during delivery. On the other hand, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, acupressure, aromatherapy, music therapy or relaxation techniques presented low quality results. Their combination had a positive effect. The midwife is mostly in charge of informing about these methods and conducting them.
Conclusions: the results showed that these measures are an alternative in order to manage pain during delivery, offering many benefits and few adverse effects, although it is necessary to conduct further research about some of these techniques. Midwife training is essential in order to continue promoting their use.


Labor pain; pain management; complementary therapies; eutocic deliveries.

Versión en Español


Métodos no farmacológicos como medida efectiva en el control del dolor en el parto eutócico