Perception of the use of humour by nurses and patients at Mental Health Units

Section: Revisiones

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Piñar-Rodríguez S, Puig-Llobet M, Corcoles-Martínez D, Tolosa-Merlos D, Leñero-Cirujano M, Rodríguez-Martín D. Percepción del uso del humor por parte de las enfermeras y pacientes en servicios de salud mental. Metas Enferm feb 24; 27(1):35-44. Doi:


Sergi Piñar-Rodríguez1, Montserrat Puig-Llobet2, David Corcoles-Martínez3, Diana Tolosa-Merlos4, Miriam Leñero-Cirujano5, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín6


1Enfermero especialista en Salud Mental. Instituto de Salud Mental del Hospital del Mar. Barcelona (España)2Doctora por la Universidad de Barcelona. Departamento de Salud Pública, Salud Mental y Materno-Infantil. Escuela de Enfermería. Universidad de Barcelona. Barcelona (España)3Licenciado en Medicina. Instituto de Salud Mental del Hospital del Mar. Barcelona (España)4Doctora por la Universidad de Barcelona. Instituto de Salud Mental del Hospital del Mar. Barcelona (España)5Doctora por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Licenciatura de Enfermería de la Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio. Madrid (España).6Doctora por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Departamento de Enfermería Fundamental y Médico-Quirúrgica. Campus de Ciencias de la Salud de Bellvitge. Universidad de Barcelona. Barcelona (España)

Contact address

Sergi Piñar Rodríguez. Avda. del Amor, 8. 08784 Can Bonastre, Piera, Barcelona (España).

Contact email:


Objective: based on the literature available, to understand the meaning of sense of humour between nurses and patients in the setting of Mental Health Units, as well as to determine the factors that facilitate its use, o make it difficult.
Methods: a narrative review was conducted during the 2022-2023 period. Searches were conducted in Pubmed, PsycINFO, LILACS and CINAHL, using the descriptors: “Nurse-patient relations”, “mental health”, “wit and humor as topic”, “psychiatric nursing”. All type of documents addressing this matter according to the objectives were included, published from 2012 until November 2022 in English, Spanish or Portuguese. An article translated from Korean was added due to its relevance.
Results: ten (10) manuscripts were included in the review. Findings suggested that sense of humour was perceived as an essential tool in order to strengthen the relations between nurses and patients in psychiatric settings. However, it was highlighted that there are factors which could induce an inadequate use of humour, leading to dehumanization in care and a potential breach in the therapeutic link.
Conclusions: it is important to carefully consider the use of humour in the mental health setting, in order to guarantee its effectiveness without compromising the quality of care.


Nurse-patient relations; mental health; wit and humor as topic; psychiatric Nursing

Versión en Español


Percepción del uso del humor por parte de enfermeras y pacientes en los servicios de salud mental

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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